Misti Atkinson » P.E. Schedule

P.E. Schedule

Welcome to Packsaddle Elementary's P.E. class! Students will have P.E. Everyday this year.  I have lots of fun activities planned for the school year.  Students will work on fitness activities, skill activities, and students will have a jogging/speed walking activity on Mondays.  For safety issues it is very important that you wear Tennis Shoes to P.E. class.
Being physically fit is a life-long habit that I hope to instill in all the students at Packsaddle! If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at 325-388-8129 or e-mail me at [email protected].
P.E./Music Schedule
Kinder:           8:05 - 8:55
First:               9:00 - 9:55
Conference:  10:00-10:55
Third:             11:00-11:55
Second:         12:00-12:55
Lunch:             1:00-1:30
Fourth:             1:30-2:25
Break:              2:25-2:40     
Fifth:                2:40 - 3:25